Thursday, 28 May 2020

Cummings Scandal UK - Letter to my (Conservative Party) MP, Mr Will Quince

Hi Will,

This scandal has revealed that your entire government is in the POWER of
 unelected spads who are in service of Taxpayers Alliance international
 scumbags and similar, against the interests of UK citizens, 14 million of
 whom live in poverty, which is treason. 

To compound the fault, your PM doesn't seem to be willing or able to sack
 one of them for clear hypocrisy, many lies and a clear offence which
 endangered people directly and your lockdown, and your party is *still*
 unwilling or unable to sack, him, Johnson and resign yourselves, not even
 as a token gesture (token, because you would still take your orders from
 him even then i am sure, the hold seems so vicelike) to, i dunno, distract
 from or make it up to us for your disastrous failure to cope with a
 pandemic, which any fool could and did see coming in February, in fact
 you were informed late January at the latest.

Pandemics require strong lockdown implementation and isolation of travel
routes, but on the altar of big business, at the *DIrection of SAME SPAD*,
and with a seasoning of cronyism and ineptitude, your government:

Previously: ignored operation cygnus and denuded our supplies, weakened
the NHS

During: chose herd immunity murderous policy at command of SPAD,
against all medical advice,  obfuscated & lied to save face, purjured
Top Health Officials, Failed on PPE, attempted to engage cronies only for
contracts, setup White Elephant failures like the Nightingales

Resultingly: slaughtered 60k unnecessarily, 300 care staff, with a list of
failure as long as your arm. PPE, no testing, care homes murder, no
tracing, late economic support.

It's all well documented because unlike your party's antisemitism,
islamophobia and hypocrisy on these and your promotion of smears
of Corbyn, abetted by the Msm, various public figures,  some mainstream
media outlets and medical experts have been vocal about government
lies and failure from the start of this crisis, and because the same crisis
has affected the whole word, but your government has come dead last in
the race to secure your own people against death, more dead than the Blitz.

I hope you understand that regardless the doubtless severe consequences
to follow for the institution that is the Conservative Party, which has been
shown definitively to be a mere front organisation for the less than 1%, it is
your Civic Duty to take swift decisive action to destroy this infestation. 

The banishment of Cummings is of course nowhere near enough any
longer, and Johnson and all the various sycophants who have towed
*Cummings' line on Cummings* [you could not make this up] due to the
Conservative Party's blatant disregard for honesty and failure to make
admissions and corrections to prevent FURTHER loss of life to
healthcare staff and citizens, must resign.

The people, Like myself, *Will Not* forgive anything less.

Yours sincerely, 

Illinois Cook 


8 Attachments

1 comment:

illi41 said...

Updated 30th August 2024. Well I never, so since I declared there would be severe consequences for the Tories, they lost the next election decisively, Quince the Tory Coward resigned and his Tory successor lost the Colchester seat to Labour. Cummings disappeared at his own choice with Johnson and embarked on a brief revenge tour with minor effect, and the government response to COVID has been harshly criticised but with no know accountability as, as noted by Socialists at the time, Starmer's Labour nodded along with Tory Party policy on Covid like sheep, so are entirely complicit, and their authoritarian Tory colours are on full show today as they crackdown on anti-genocide campaigners. Ergo they are the same elites as the Tories, and would never punish themselves.